JANUARY 9 2025

Announcing Neo4j Support for Modus

Building Model-Native Apps with Neo4j Knowledge Graphs

Developer Experience
William Lyon
Developer Experience, Hypermode

AI has transformed how we build applications, but organizations need more than just large language models to create reliable, production-ready systems.

Today, the Hypermode and Neo4j teams are excited to announce Neo4j support in Modus, bringing the power of knowledge graphs to AI workflows.

Knowledge graphs address key limitations of standalone LLMs by providing semantic structure and domain-specific context that both humans and AI can reason with. While LLMs excel at natural language understanding, they can hallucinate or miss crucial details that are locked up in private enterprise-specific data silos. Knowledge graphs solve this dilemma by grounding AI outputs in verified facts and relationships, while making their reasoning process fully traceable.

By combining the graph capabilities of Neo4j with Modus, organizations can now build AI applications that leverage both broad language understanding and deep domain expertise. Whether validating AI outputs, incorporating proprietary data, or ensuring auditability, knowledge graphs provide the missing link between powerful language models and enterprise requirements.

Under the hood, we use Neo4j's Go driver in Modus. Thanks to the polyglot language support in Modus — powered by WebAssembly — we can support Neo4j in any language supported by Modus, which is currently Go and AssemblyScript.


To stay production-ready, Modus creates and maintains drivers for Neo4j on app load, meaning connections are shared between function executions. This significantly reduces overhead, unlike existing serverless frameworks which require a new driver instance per function call.

Since the Neo4j SDK is using the Go driver under the hood, the function signature and implementation resemble the driver's functions. Currently, [https://docs.hypermode.com/modus/sdk/neo4j#executequery](executeQuery is supported) by the Modus SDK, with plans to expand to more complex functionality such as transactions, sessions, and parallelization. The SDK also supports Neo4j types, like Node, Relationship, and Path, along with functions to help deserialize Cypher query responses (getRecordValue, getProperty).

Getting Started With Neo4j in Modus

Let's take a look at a hands-on example of using Neo4j and Modus. Our example Modus-Neo4j app will:

  • Start with a sample Neo4j database of movies and movie reviews.
  • Use Modus and an embedding model hosted by Hypermode to create embeddings for each movie and save those in Neo4j.
  • Expose a GraphQL endpoint to find similar movies using Modus and Neo4j's vector search functionality.

The easiest way to get started with Neo4j is by using the Neo4j Sandbox. Once you sign up for a free account, you'll be prompted to choose a dataset. We'll select the Recommendations dataset which includes data about movies and movie reviews.

Neo4j sandbox datasets

Below is the graph data model for this database. We have nodes with labels like Movie, Actor, Genre, and User connected by relationships such as IN_GENRE, ACTED_IN, and RATED.

Neo4j Movies Datamodel

Neo4j uses a query language called Cypher that allows developers to specify connected data patterns to be searched in the graph. For example, if we wanted to search for a movie with the title River Runs Through It, A, its genre, and find what other movies the actors of A River Runs Through It also acted in, we would write a Cypher query like this:

MATCH (g:Genre)<-[ig:IN_GENRE]-(m:Movie)<-[a1:ACTED_IN]-(a:Actor)-[a2:ACTED_IN]->(other:Movie)
WHERE m.title = "River Runs Through It, A"

The results below show our Movie node, the genre, and actors and their connections to the other movies in our database.

Neo4j graph movies data

In addition to nodes and relationships, the property graph data model used by Neo4j also allows for storing property values on each node and on each relationship. Below you can see the properties stored on the Movie node including movieId, title, and plot.

Neo4j Query Results

Using the example that we've walked through above, let's say you wanted to build a movie recommendation system. You could traverse the graph to find similar movies based on overlapping actors, genres, or a collaborative filtering type system that leverages user reviews. Another approach would be to create embeddings and use vector similarity search to find movies that are close together in vector space. We'll take a look at that next.

Vector Search & Embeddings

Vector embeddings transform content into numerical vectors that capture semantic meaning, allowing similar concepts to be discovered even without exact keyword matches. This enables vector search — instead of just basic keyword matching, you can find content based on conceptual similarity by measuring the distance between embedding vectors.

While powerful, vector search alone lacks understanding of data relationships and structure. By combining embeddings with knowledge graphs, you create a more intelligent search engine that leverages both semantic similarity and explicit connections. Queries first find semantically similar content through embeddings, then the queries traverse the graph to surface additional relevant information through relationships.

This hybrid approach delivers richer results by combining the semantic understanding of embeddings with the structured relationships of knowledge graphs. A product search can find relevant documentation through vector similarity, then traverse the graph to surface related products, components, and solutions. The result is a more comprehensive search that understands both meaning and relationships, with a clear explanation of how results are connected through the graph.

Generating embeddings for movie plot text

Neo4j supports vector search, which we can expose through a Modus function and a GraphQL API to enable searching for similar movies. We'll also use an embedding model hosted on Hypermode to generate embedding values based on the plot description of each movie.

Creating Embeddings with Hypermode

To get started with Hypermode and Neo4j we'll create a new Modus project using the modus new command. Be sure to install the Modus CLI if you haven't already:

npm i -g @hypermode/modus-cli

After creating the skeleton of our project we'll update our app manifest modus.json file to

  1. Define a connection to our Neo4j Sandbox instance, using secret templates for the credentials that will be read from environment variables
  2. Define a MiniLM model hosted on Hypermode to be used to generate embedding values.

Our modus.json file should look like this:

  "$schema": "https://schema.hypermode.com/modus.json",
  "endpoints": {
    "default": {
      "type": "graphql",
      "path": "/graphql",
      "auth": "bearer-token"
  "models": {
    "minilm": {
      "sourceModel": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2",
      "provider": "hugging-face",
      "connection": "hypermode"
  "connections": {
    "neo4j": {
      "type": "neo4j",
      "dbUri": "{{NEO4J_URI}}",
      "username": "{{USERNAME}}",
      "password": "{{PASSWORD}}"

The MiniLM embedding model is one of the shared models available with a Hypermode free trial.

Next, we'll need to find the connection credentials for our Neo4j Sandbox instance and set them as environment variables in a .env file. We can find these values in the Neo4j Sandbox application.

Neo4j Sandbox credentials

Then our .env file should have the following format (note that our environment variables are namespaced by MODUS_ and the name of our connection (in this case NEO4J).


Next, we'll create a helper function to invoke the MiniLM embedding model and generate embeddings.

// Create embeddings using the minilm model for an array of texts
export function generateEmbeddings(texts: string[]): f32[][] {
  const model = models.getModel<EmbeddingsModel>('minilm')
  const input = model.createInput(texts)
  const output = model.invoke(input)
  return output.predictions

If we run our Modus app locally with the modus dev command, our app will be built and a local GraphQL endpoint will expose this generateEmbeddings function as a GraphQL query field. We can open a web browser at http://localhost:8686/explorer to launch the Modus API Explorer and test this endpoint locally.

To access Hypermode hosted models in the local development environment we'll need to install the hyp CLI and sign in to a Hypermode free trial account.

npm i -g @hypermode/hyp-cli
hyp login

Once we sign in to Hypermode via the hyp CLI we can invoke the MiniLM model via our GraphQL API. Here, as you can see below, we generate embeddings for a single string, one of the movie plots.

Modus API Explorer

We can use this function we just defined, combined with the Neo4j client in Modus, to:

  1. Retrieve the movie plot values
  2. Compute embeddings
  3. Write those values back to Neo4j as a new embedding node property
  4. Create a vector index in Neo4j

First we'll define a type to represent our movie nodes.

export class Movie {
  id!: string
  title!: string
  plot!: string
  rating!: f32
  embedding: f32[] = []

  constructor(id: string, title: string, plot: string, rating: f32) {
    this.id = id
    this.title = title
    this.plot = plot
    this.rating = rating
    this.embedding = []

Next, we'll create a new function saveEmbeddingsToNeo4j to find movies without an embedding value, generate embedding values using the movie plot property, write back to Neo4j and create a vector index.

// Update movie nodes in Neo4j with generated embeddings and create a vector index
export function saveEmbeddingsToNeo4j(count: i32): i32 {
  const query = `
  MATCH (m:Movie) 
  WHERE m.embedding IS NULL AND m.plot IS NOT NULL AND m.imdbRating > 0.0
  RETURN m.imdbRating AS rating, m.title AS title, m.plot AS plot, m.imdbId AS id
  ORDER BY m.imdbRating DESC
  LIMIT toInteger($count)`

  const countVars = new neo4j.Variables()
  countVars.set('count', count)
  const result = neo4j.executeQuery(hostName, query, countVars)

  const movies: Movie[] = []

  // Here we iterate through each row returned and explicitly access each column value
  // An alternative would be to return an object from the Cypher query and use JSON.parse to handle type marshalling
  // see findSimilarMovies function below for an example of this approach
  for (let i = 0; i < result.Records.length; i++) {
    const record = result.Records[i]
    const plot = record.getValue<string>('plot')
    const rating = record.getValue<f32>('rating')
    const title = record.getValue<string>('title')
    const id = record.getValue<string>('id')
    movies.push(new Movie(id, title, plot, rating))

  // Batch calls to embedding model in chunks of 100
  const movieChunks: Movie[][] = []
  for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i = 100) {
    movieChunks.push(movies.slice(i, i + 100))

  for (let i= 0, len= movieChunks.length; i < len; i++) {
    let movieChunk= movieChunks[i]

    // Generate embeddings for a chunk of movies
    const embeddedMovies= getEmbeddingsForMovies(movieChunk)

    // Update the Movie.embedding property in Neo4j with the new embedding values
    const vars= new neo4j.Variables()
    vars.set('movies', embeddedMovies)

    const updateQuery= `
  UNWIND $movies AS embeddedMovie
  MATCH (m:Movie {imdbId: embeddedMovie.id})
  SET m.embedding = embeddedMovie.embedding

    neo4j.executeQuery(hostName, updateQuery, vars)

  // Create vector index in Neo4j to enable vector search on Movie embeddings
  const indexQuery=
    'CREATE VECTOR INDEX `movie-index` IF NOT EXISTS FOR (m:Movie) ON (m.embedding)'

  neo4j.executeQuery(hostName, indexQuery)

  return movies.length

We can invoke this saveEmbeddingsToNeo4j function via the Modus API Explorer. The function takes a count value to specify the maximum number of movies we want to update embedding values for, in batches of 100 at a time.

Now we're ready to find similar movies using vector search!

First, we'll define a class for our movie search results which will include a score that represents how similar our movie results are in vector space.

// Results of a movie search, includes movie details and a similarity score
export class MovieResult {
  movie!: Movie
  score: f32 = 0.0

  constructor(movie: Movie, score: f32) {
    this.movie = movie
    this.score = score

And now we'll create a new function findSimilarMovies to search for similar movies using vector search given a movie title. Note that the Cypher query in this function returns an object which we can then directly marshal into an array of MovieResult objects using JSON.Parse.

// Given a movie title, find similar movies using vector search based on the movie embeddings
export function findSimilarMovies(title: string, num: i16): MovieResult[] {
  const vars = new neo4j.Variables()
  vars.set('title', title)
  vars.set('num', num)

  const searchQuery = `
  MATCH (m:Movie {title: $title})
  WHERE m.embedding IS NOT NULL
  CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('movie-index', $num, m.embedding)
  YIELD node AS searchResult, score
  WITH * WHERE searchResult <> m
    movie: {
      title: searchResult.title,
      plot: searchResult.plot,
      rating: searchResult.imdbRating,
      id: searchResult.imdbId
    score: score
    }) AS movieResults

  const results = neo4j.executeQuery(hostName, searchQuery, vars)
  let movieResults: MovieResult[] = []

  if (results.Records.length > 0) {
    const recordResults = results.Records[0].get('movieResults')
    movieResults = JSON.parse<MovieResult[]>(recordResults)

  return movieResults

Now we search for similar movies using this Query field in the Modus API Explorer.

Modus API Explorer

Now that we have everything working locally, the next step would be to deploy our Modus app to Hypermode, which we can do using a Hypermode free trial, and then build a front-end app to make a true movie search engine. I'll leave both of those steps as an exercise for next time. :-)



I hope you've found this walkthrough helpful.

We're excited to see what you will build with the new Neo4j support now available for Modus. Integrating knowledge graphs into your AI workflows isn't always straightforward, but now it's a little easier.

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